Friday, July 31, 2009

Being Here

Too often my head is down. Dinner, dishes, bath, bed. Breakfast, dishes, school and work. I check my watch. I tell Natalie to hurry.

"Quickly, please!" I say, keys in hand, shifting from one foot to the other as she stops to inspect a leaf, or search the trees and power lines for the bird whose singing she hears.

This movie, made by Natalie's dad, made me stop.

And now I remember what I often forget. That no chores, no routine, is more important than what's right in front of me, if I'd only look up.


  1. "I like Natalie's naptime," Blake says, not napping himself this afternoon ....

  2. I am sobbing as I watch how Natalie has grown and become quite the young lady!!! She is precious, this video ia amazing....Dana

  3. I love your blog...your daughter is absolutely beautiful and this video was amazing! :)
